您现在可以在马来西亚的任何地方进行在线遗嘱书写服务。 我们的认证遗产规划师将指导您完成简单的在线步骤,以确保您的资产分配给您的亲人。 这一切都没有律师。

You can now do an Online Will Writing Service from anywhere in Malaysia. Our Certified Estate Planner will guide you through simple steps Online for your legally binding will to ensure your assets are distributed to your loved ones. All this without a lawyer.

许多人可能认为您需要律师来写遗嘱。 然而,许多马来西亚人在没有律师的情况下立了遗嘱。 在本文中了解如何操作。 此类服务还确保他们的意愿得到尊重,并且他们的财产可以根据他们的意愿分配。

Many might think that you need a lawyer to write a will. However, many Malaysians had made a will without a lawyer. Find out how in this article. Such services also assure that their wishes are respected, and their estate can be distributed according to their Will.